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May 2015

Random Acts of Kindness for the Pet Lover

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Random Acts of Kindness for the Pet Lover
Even the smallest kind gesture can make someone’s day. There are many ways that you can spread kindness to our fur friends too!
1) Volunteer your time to walk a neighbors’ dog. You may have an elderly neighbor or a friend who just had an operation or even a new baby. Your neighbor and their pet will both appreciate it.
2) Donate a bag of food to your local feral society or shelter (or even old towels and blankets).
3) Foster a pet that is up for adoption. Being in a rural area, most of our animal rescue organizations are run by a small group of volunteers and typically do not have a building to house pets until they can find a home. Foster homes provide a safe and loving home until a forever home can be found.
4) Participate in a walk or run that benefits an animal or wildlife organization. The Lions club in our area hold an annual Purina Walk for Dog Guides. If you can’t find one….start one!
5) Pay for someone else’s vet bill. If you know someone that is struggling and their pet needs care, you could put $50.00 toward their vet bill or purchase a gift certificate for services. We have had people leave donations at the hospital in memory of a loved one. We have used this money to help a client/pet in need.

10 Things Dr. Pothier does when he is not at work….

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Do you remember seeing your grade school teacher at the supermarket or at a social event and being shocked that she wears shorts on the weekend or he has friends? As we grow up, we realize that people we meet in various positions have lives outside those roles. For those of you who do not know Dr. Pothier well or even if you think you do know him well, you may be surprised to learn how he spends his down time.
1) When Dr. Pothier has time off from work he enjoys volunteering his time to better his community. You may see him helping out with Lobster Bash and other community festivals, Relay for Life or emceeing various events.
2) In the warmer months you may see him touring the community by motorbike.
3) If you are an early riser and you are wearing your sneakers you just may be able to catch him out running. If you see a guy wearing a headlight and a few dogs are chasing him, it just might be Dr.Pothier. Don’t worry if you aren’t an early riser, you can see Digby’s best sunrises on Face Book. Dr. Pothier is known for his photos of local scenery.
4) With seven grandchildren involved in sports, music and other activities, you will from time to time find him taking his turn driving or watching their events.
5) Enjoys spending time catching up with his friends at Tim Horton’s (ok, everyone probably knows this one).
6) You’ll notice he stays busy outside all summer, don’t worry he still get outside all winter too. This winter he spent many hours exploring the trails around Digby with his new snowshoes.
7) What do Jam, pickles, Rappure Pie and Maple Syrup have in common?………Dr. Pothier makes them all!
8) He spends a lot of time buying up desserts at his local church fundraisers, don’t worry he doesn’t just go for the treats. He is a long time member of the Wesleyan Church and is an active member of the congregation.
9) Dr. Pothier enjoys going home to visit family in Wedgeport and Yarmouth. He is a proud Acadien!
10) As you can see, Dr. Pothier stays very busy outside the office, therefore number 10 may not surprise you. When Dr. Pothier sneaks away for his lunch break, he has a nap most days!

Keep on checking back, we will soon post Dr. Bonds top 5 things to do on the weekend.